A basic tenet of a healthy democracy is open dialogue and transparency. Peter Fenn


„Dialog-Pro” is a non-governmental organization set up in 2008 (registered at the Ministry of Justice in March 2008, No 4073) and pursues the goal of contributing plenary, among others, to promotion of the European priorities, democracy and human rights, as well as contributing to establishment of a sustainable dialogue at the local level between the civil society and authorities, participation in the process of civil society education and its positive and sustainable development; promotion of the intercultural, religious, ethnic, political and social dialogue.

Goals  pursued by Dialog Pro aim to contribute to: participation to the process of civil society education towards its positive development and  sustainability; building the capacity of local authorities, cooperation with civil society; human rights education; diversity for dialogue;

Pursuing these goals, Dialog pro besides other activities organises the following activities:  analysing the socio-legal issues faced by Moldovan society, having direct impact on human rights and fundamental freedoms; increasing the qualitative level of cognitive and intellectual potential of citizens

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„Dialog-Pro” este o organizaţie neguvernamentală creată în 2008 (înregistrată la Ministerul Justiţiei la 28 martie 2008, nr. 4073) şi are drept scop, printre altele, de a contribui plenar la promovarea priorităţilor europene, democraţiei şi drepturilor omului, precum şi contribuirea la stabilirea unui dialog susţinut în special la nivel local între societatea civilă şi autorităţi, participarea la procesul de educatie a societatii civile pentru desvoltarea pozitiva si durabila a acesteia; promovarea dialogului intercultural,religios, etnic,politic ,social.

Membrii activi/fondatori ai Dialog PRO sunt specialişti în domeniul dreptului internaţional, drepturilor omului, economie, informare europeană , bibliografie şi documentare , PR , au experienţa de lucru în organismele internaţionale europene şi posedă la nivel avansat tehnologiile informaţionale.

Centru de resurse DIALOG PRO:

email: dialogpromd@gmail.com
tel.: 069157889


  • Fisa informationala (rom)   (1) (2)
  • Fisa informationala (eng)  (1) (2)
