A basic tenet of a healthy democracy is open dialogue and transparency. Peter Fenn

Sesiunea de studiu " Lideri ai studenților pentru drepturile omului, democrație și pace"

Apel pentru participanți: Sesiunea de studiu ", Lideri ai studenților pentru drepturile omului, democrație și pace" (Budapesta, 16-22 octombrie, 2016)

Alăturati-va sesiunii de studiu pentru reprezentanți ai studenților în Europa cu privire la drepturile omului, democrație, consolidarea păcii, solidaritate globală a studenților și echitate în domeniul educației superiorioare, cu accent special pe țările Parteneriatului Estic.

Sesiunea este organizată de Uniunea Studenților Europeni (ESU), în colaborare cu Departamentul pentru tineret al Consiliului Europei, și va avea loc în perioada 16-22 octombrie 2016 (inclusiv sosirea și ziua de plecare), în Centrul European pentru Tineret din Budapesta, Ungaria.

Scopul sesiunii este de a dezvolta în continuare învățământul superior ca mijloc de inovare democratică și incluziune socială și de a construi capacitatea organizatorică a reprezentanților studenților în domeniul drepturilor omului, a democrației, a păcii și a egalității în educație, folosind învățarea non-formală și o abordare de la egal la egal.

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Join the study session for student representatives in Europe on human rights, democracy, peace-building, global student solidarity and equity in higher education with special focus on Eastern Partnership Countries.

The session, organised by the European Students’ Union (ESU) in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe, will take place from October 16 to October 22, 2016 (including arrival and departure day) in the European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary.

The aim of the session is to further develop higher education as a means for democratic innovation and social inclusion and build the organisational capacity of student representatives in the field of human rights, democracy, peace and equality in education, using non-formal and peer learning approaches.

The objectives:

- Familiarize participants with the Council of Europe’s work on the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education and the No Hate Speech Movement
- Developing competences on the topics related to the implementation of the Council of Europe’s Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education and the No Hate Speech Movement and applying them to national contexts.
- Strengthening the student movement by addressing issues of inclusion and democratic participation within it, and developing tools to make a change in the student organisations.
- Developing common actions to promote democratic participation and human rights.
- Developing key competences of participants as multipliers and support them in develop follow-up activities on regional and local levels.

The participants should be:

- Representatives of the National Union of Students/Student organisation that is a full member, a candidate member or an associate member of the European Students’ Union (ESU).
- Student activists from Council of Europe Member States and States parties to the European Cultural Convention
Interested candidate should:
- have experience and interest to further work on the issue of human rights, democratic citizenship, peace-building and inclusive education;
- be motivated and be in a position to use the gained competences on their work/activities;
- be interested to follow up and networking with other participants;

Participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Germany Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine and United Kingdom are particularly welcomed to apply.

During the selection process the priority will be given to participants coming from underrepresented backgrounds in higher education including, but not limited to lower socio-economic, migrant, non-academic family backgrounds, LGBTQ+ students, students from rural areas.

Gender and geographical balance:

The focus on Eastern Partnership countries will be taken into account when making the selection of the group, along with the gender balance and bringing in a variety of practices and experiences of working on the topic.


The study session is organised by the European Students’ Union in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.

Working languages:
The working language will be English.

Application procedure and selection of participants

All interested candidates must complete the online application form, by following this link, until 20th of August 2016 23:59 CEST. All applicants will be notified on the result of the selection process by 1st of September 2016.

Special needs
Upon the request of participants, special assistance will be provided, ensuring accessibility of the study session. Please indicate any special assistance needed in your application form.

Practical information
All participants of the study session will have to pay an enrolment fee of 50 EUR. The fee will be deducted from refund of travel expenses. Board and lodging will be provided at the European Youth Centre Budapest. Travel expenses by the most economic means of transport will be reimbursed during the study session upon the originals of travel documents according to the rules of the Council of Europe.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Liva Vikmane, representative of the European Students’ Union at liva@esu-online.org.